Over recent months, the Parish Mission Team (parish council) and I have been discussing the idea of moving the Vigil Mass to an earlier time. The Mission Team have been very supportive of the idea. I am aware that such a change has been considered before.

There are three key reasons for changing the Vigil Mass time:

  • First, by comparison, 7.00pm is the latest Vigil Mass time of any parish in the Archdiocese.
  • Second, the lateness of the time presents challenges for observing the Eucharistic fast. Catholics are obliged to fast for one hour before receiving Holy Communion (except those who are sick or advanced in age). In order to observe the Eucharistic fast for a 7.00pm Mass, people therefore need to be eating before 6pm or after 8pm.
  • Third, the current Mass time seriously limits our ability to hold parish activities on Saturday evenings or for me to visit parishioners for dinner. Some of the opportunities that the Mission Team would like to offer on Saturday evenings but cannot provide while the Mass is at its current time are youth groups, movie nights and parish dinners (such as trivia nights etc).

The most important group to consult about the feasibility of a change to the Vigil Mass time is the people who regularly attend the Vigil Mass. On 13/4 I invited attendees at the Vigil Mass to a discussion forum on 20/4 after Mass so that I could share the reasons why a change in time is worth considering, canvas possible alternative times, and hear from parishioners who attend the Mass about how a change would affect them. It was a well-attended and fruitful conversation.

The vast majority of attendees indicated by show of hands that they were supportive of a change in Mass time to 5.00pm. Some parishioners did indicate a preference for the Mass to remain at its current time, while other parishioners shared factors to be considered in settling on an alternative time. All attendees demonstrated good will and readiness to accept a change in time, even if the chosen time was not their personal preference.

Grateful for this support, and having prayerfully weighed the various considerations, I have settled on 5.00pm as the new time for the Vigil Mass. The change in Mass time will take effect on Saturday 1st June 2024, which is the first day of Winter. Whilst 5.00pm is substantially earlier than the current time, it will provide the parish with maximum flexibility to offer activities on Saturday evenings.

Whilst this change will not affect the majority of parishioners, I do understand that adjusting Mass times is never easy. Our preferred Mass time is an important part of our weekly routine, and change can upset other routines that we have built around Mass. During this time of transition, it is important to remember that the Mass is the most important event of our week, when we come to receive God’s love and offer our love to Him. With this in mind, it is easier to adjust our schedules and navigate the temporary inconvenience of change.

Thank you to those who attend the Vigil Mass for your consideration and willingness to support a change, even if it is not your first preference. I am confident that this adjustment will ultimately serve the long-term growth and life of Corio Lara Catholic Parish. Please feel free to contact me or speak with me after Mass if you would like clarification or have any relevant considerations to share.