The sacraments of the Catholic Church are the key ways that God communicates His life of sanctifying grace to humanity. Ordinarily, Catholic children are prepared to receive the sacraments of First Reconciliation, First Holy Communion, and Confirmation when they attend Catholic primary school. We offer sacrament preparation courses for Catholic children from our parish who do not attend a Catholic primary school.
Baptism comes first
Baptism is the first sacrament anyone receives. It is the gateway to the spiritual life and life in the Catholic Church. Through the three-fold pouring of water in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, sin is forgiven and sanctifying grace is transmitted to the soul. Baptism is administered once only. The grace of the sacrament of Baptism is necessary for salvation and therefore should be administered to children as soon as possible after birth, specifically, in their first year of life.
If a child is 7 years or older (grade 2 or above) and has not received the sacrament of Baptism but desires to do so, they need to participate in our Baptism preparation program for children over the age of reason before they can receive any other sacraments.
Children under 7 years are not capable of seeking Baptism for themselves. Parents should seek Baptism for such children through our Infant Baptism preparation course:
Next comes First Reconciliation
Baptised children should normally participate in their First Reconciliation at the age of 8 (around grade 3). At this age, children have begun to understand the difference between right and wrong, and are capable of taking responsibility for their actions. First Reconciliation is administered to children after they have participated in our parish’s First Reconciliation Preparation Program.
Then comes First Holy Communion
Once a baptised child has received their First Reconciliation, they can begin preparing to receive their First Holy Communion. First Holy Communion is administered to children after they have participated in our parish’s First Holy Communion Preparation Program.
Finally, there is Confirmation
The sacrament of Confirmation is available to children who are baptised and who have received their First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion. Confirmation is administered to children after they have participated in our parish’s Confirmation Preparation Program.
aSacrament Preparation Courses Information
Courses Overview. Commencing in 2024, Corio Lara Catholic Parish offers children’s sacrament preparation programs on an alternating two year cycle. In 2024 and 2026, we will offer First Reconciliation and Confirmation. In 2025 and 2027, we will offer Baptism and First Holy Communion.
Enrolment. Children may only enrol in one sacrament preparation course per year in the sequence outlined above. Our parish’s sacrament preparation courses are for children who live in Corio and Lara. Families who live in Corio and Lara should not attempt to seek the sacraments in other parishes for the sake of convenience. Permission to prepare for and receive the sacraments outside Corio Lara Parish should not be presumed and will ordinarily be denied. Children who live outside Corio and Lara but who regularly attend Mass in our parish and whose families contribute to the life of the parish may also be admitted to our sacrament preparation courses at the discretion of the parish priest. In order to enrol your child, the enrolment form and fee must be received by our parish prior to the enrolment closure date. The enrolment form should be submitted to the Parish Office by email.
Enrolment Fee. An enrolment fee of $100 is required per child per preparation course. The fee covers costs associated with offering the preparation course. The enrolment fee can be paid in cash to the Parish Office or by electronic trasnfer to our bank account.
Attendance. In order to be admitted to the sacrament, children must attend all preparation classes.
Confirmation Sponsor
The child receiving Confirmation needs to nominate a sponsor. The sponsor must be at least 16 years old and a fully-initiated Catholic (they must have received Baptism, First Communion, and Confirmation). They may be a male or female and may be family, but should not be a parent. The sponsor needs to be present at the Confirmation rehearsal and the Confirmation Mass.
Confirmation Saint
As part of Confirmation, the child takes the name of a Catholic saint. The saint’s name must come from a real Catholic saint.
Term 2, 2025
Grade 2 and above
First Reconciliation
Term 2, 2024
Grade 3 and above
Preparation Course
10am – 11am
St Anthony’s Church, Lara
Class 1 | Sunday, 05 May
Class 2 | Sunday, 19 May
Class 3 | Sunday, 26 May
Class 4 | Sunday, 02 June
Tuesday, 4th June 2024
St Anthony’s Church, Lara
Closes 5pm Friday 26th April
First Holy Communion
Term 3, 2025
Grade 4 and above
Term 3, 2024
Grade 5 and above
Preparation Course
10am – 11am
Xavier Centre, Corio
Class 1 | Sunday, 18 August
Class 2 | Sunday, 25 August
Class 3 | Sunday, 8 September
Class 4 | Wed, 11 September
Confirmation Mass
Friday, 13th September 2024
St Francis Xavier Church, Corio
Closes 5pm Friday 9th August