Holy Baptism is the basis of the whole Christian life, the gateway to life in the Spirit, and the door which gives access to the other sacraments. Through Baptism we are freed from sin and reborn as sons of God; we become members of Christ, are incorporated into the Church and made sharers in her mission.
Since its earliest days, the Catholic Church has baptised infants (children younger than five) into the life of Jesus Christ at the request of their Catholic parent(s). Given the spiritual significance of the sacrament of baptism, Catholic parents are encouraged by the Church to have their child baptised as soon as possible after birth. In asking to have their child baptised, parents and godparents accept the responsibility of raising their children to live the Catholic faith. For this reason, parents are required to participate in the parish’s Baptism Preparation Course prior to their child’s Baptism.
When is baptism offered?
The sacrament of Baptism is administered to infants on the third Saturday of each month. On these days, baptisms are administered at 12pm at St Anthony of Padua in Lara and 2pm at St Francis Xavier in Corio.
Preparation Session
7.00pm at Corio
4th September
2nd October
6th November
Baptisms at Lara
21st September
19th October
16th November
Baptisms at Corio
21st September
19th October
16th November
How do I book my child’s baptism?
It is necessary to book your child’s baptism through our Parish Office. We require at least two months notice prior to the Baptism. This gives the family time to participate in our baptism preparation course. When you are ready to book your child’s Baptism, contact our Parish Office by phone or email to secure a date. Then complete the booking form below and send it by email to the Parish Office.
Important Note: To complete the Baptism Application Form on your computer, download the form, save it to your computer, then fill it out, and save the form again to ensure the data is stored. You may also complete the Baptism Application form by printing it out and hand-writing the answers.
Baptism preparation course
The Baptism Preparation Course is on the first Wednesday of each month at 7.00pm and usually lasts an hour. Meetings occur in the Ron Lowe Room (on the north side of the Parish Office building). On the second Sunday of the same month, parents and children are required to attend the 11.00am Mass at Corio.
Who may be a godparent?
Godparents accept responsibility for the spiritual welfare of their godchild: “A godparent helps the baptized person to lead a Christian life in keeping with baptism and to fulfill faithfully the obligations inherent in it” (Cf. Code of Canon Law, 872). Great consideration should be given as to who may be able to take on this responsibility. It’s important to choose godparents “who lead a life of faith in keeping with the function to be taken on” (Code of Canon Law, 874).
The Catholic Church permits a maximum of two godparents (one male and one female): “There is to be only one male sponsor or one female sponsor or one of each” (Code of Canon Law, 873). Godparents must be at least sixteen years old and be fully-initiated Catholics, that is, they must have received the sacraments of Baptism, Reconciliation and Holy Communion (Code of Canon Law, 874). As long as there is one Catholic godparent, a person baptised in another Christian Church may be permitted to act as a Christian Witness in place of the second godparent (Code of Canon Law, 874). Non-Christian persons cannot be godparents.
Baptism donation
It is customary to make a donation to the celebrant of your child’s Baptism. Corio Lara Catholic Parish recommends a minimum donation of $100 per child. This donation should be made through the Parish Office prior to attending the Baptism Preparation Course.