The last four weeks were a much-needed opportunity for prayer and rest after a busy start to the year. I am very grateful to Fr Brendan Lane for supplying Masses in the parish during my absence. I am also grateful to Jasna, Gudrun and Deacon Royden for their good work over the last four weeks. I am glad to be back among you and am looking forward to the months ahead.

Please note the changes to the weekday Mass schedule. Mass will now be offered weekly on Saturday mornings, preceded by Confessions. Mindful of this additional Mass at Corio, Friday morning Mass will now be held at Lara. Tuesday Mass moves to 5.30pm and will be followed by Holy Hour at 6.00pm.

One of the most important groups in the parish is the Mission Team. The Mission Team is a group of parishioners selected by me to advise and support me in my leadership of the parish. Helen Smith brought her time on the Mission Team to a conclusion in June as she is moving to Sydney following her recent wedding. This means that the team is reduced to two members (Marty Rowan and Lorraine Kulic). Over the next few weeks, I will personally invite a further six parishioners to join the Team. My aim is to have four parishioners from Corio and four from Lara, in addition to Gudrun and Deacon Royden.

One of the big projects that I will ask the Mission Team to focus on is planning for the parish’s 50th anniversary in 2026. The 50th anniversary is an important moment in the history and life of the Catholic Church in Corio and Lara. Whilst the anniversary will be celebrated in a variety of ways, it seems to me that this would be an opportune moment to plan the consecration of St Anthony’s Church in Lara. St Francis Xavier was formally consecrated in 2008, but the same ceremony has never been held for Lara. One of the reasons the consecration came so late at Corio and has not yet occurred at Lara is because both churches were originally designed as multi-purpose spaces. Consecration is a ceremony that dedicates the building for the exclusive worship of God. I look forward to discussing the celebration of the 50th anniversary with the Mission Team and broader parish in the months ahead.

Over the first half of the year, a lot of effort has gone into bringing order to the parish’s finances. The Parish Finance Committee consists of Bernard Lewis, Maricar Mesoga, Jo-Anne Dean and Gerard Rowan. The Committee will next meet in August. Also in August, I will present the parish with a financial statement for 2023 and the first half of 2024. This statement will summarise our assets, income, expenses, and future budget priorities. Going forward, I will strive to publish a financial statement every August.

After the successful launch of our under 18’s youth group ‘Spark’ earlier in the year, we are ready to launch a similar group for parishioners aged 18-30. Our young adults group will be called ‘Hearts for Christ’ and will meet fortnightly on Tuesday evenings.

Please save the date for our Parish Trivia Night Fundraiser, to be held at 7.00pm on Saturday 12th October in the Xavier Centre. More details will be announced in coming weeks. If you or your business are able to donate prizes or auction items towards the Trivia Night, please contact Gudrun at the Parish Office.