Request Prayer

[vc_row el_class=”vc-col-no-pt”][vc_column width=”2/3″ offset=”vc_col-sm-offset-2″][g5element_space spacing=”95″ spacing_sm=”55″ desktop=”50″ tablet=”50″ tablet_portrait=”40″ mobile_landscape=”40″ mobile=”30″][g5element_heading layout_style=”style-02″ title=”Request Prayer” icon_type=”icon” icon_font=””][vc_column_text]Our Parish Prayer Tree is a network of parishioners who will pray for any requested intentions. Details will be conveyed to the members without any identifying information. To request prayers for your intention, please click [here].


Bulletin notices for Recently Deceased or Death Anniversaries

To have the names of deceased loved ones included in the Sunday bulletin please contact the Parish Office on 4212 0791 or email us at

Mass Offerings

There is an ancient and venerable custom of having a mass offered for your specific intention, usually for the repose of the soul of a loved one. If you wish to do this, please write your intentions (Eg. the name of the loved one) and give it to Fr Daryl before mass. Names will be announced at the beginning of mass and a specific mass will be offered within a reasonable period of time. It’s customary to make a financial offering when doing this however it is completely optional.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]